Sunday 30 October 2016


If you want to read more poems, Shel Silverstein is a good choice. You can read now some of his poems. As you can see, ilustrations are an important part of his literary work. This pictures can help you understand the poem better.

Click on the images to see them better.
Resultado de imagen de shel silverstein poemsResultado de imagen de shel silverstein poems
Resultado de imagen de shel silverstein poemsResultado de imagen de shel silverstein poems

Clik here to listen to more poems.

Saturday 29 October 2016

We are poets

October has been the poems´month. We have been writing poems in English and the results are awesome. I know it is difficult to write poems, but let me tell you that you have made your best!!!
Here are some examples of our poems:

 Our corridor full of poems. Read your 
 friends´poems and give them your personal opinion.

Some insects´poems.

Amanda decided to write about her favourite sport while Rosmar dedicated her poem to her mum.


Happy Halloween 5th graders. Want to play the game again?
Here you have the instruction to play the game. Remember not to open your eyes while playing. 

Wednesday 19 October 2016


Use the lines below to help you evaluate your answers to the following questions. Then, put a tick under the character that most closely resembles you and your level of understanding for each category.
What is my understanding of the following?




1.    Identify the different parts of an animal and plant cell.

2.    Describe briefly the internal structure of a cell.

3.    Describe the three vital functions.

4.    Identify the main characteristics of living things: cells, tissues, organs and systems.

5.    Classify living things into different kingdoms.

6.    Know the main characteristics of each kingdom.

7.    Apply work and study strategies which allow you for an effective learning process.


Resultado de imagen de hit the sack idiom

Hello everybody and welcome to a new idiom:


To hit the sack means to go to bed in order to sleep.
This is an example:
I have dinner at nine o´clock and then I hit the sack.
Listen to more examples of this idiom.

Monday 17 October 2016

Living and non living things posters.

Last Friday we were decorating our classroom with the poster we had made the previous week.
It was great to review the lesson by doing an Art and Craft project. We were using and recycling old magazines.



Para las familias: acceso al libro en formato digital

Estimadas familias:
Como ya os comenté en la reunión de padres, este año vuestros hijos e hijas tienen acceso al libro en formato digital.
Para poder acceder al libro en este formato, simplemente deberéis seguir los siguientes pasos:
1. Acceder a la página web de la editorial:
2. Una vez en la página deberéis buscar "new user" y pinchar en: Register here.
3. Tendréis que escribir el código que aparece en la contraportada de vuestros libros de textos. Es un código muy largo formado por números, letras en mayúscula y minúscula y signos.
4. Por último deberéis rellenar un fácil formulario. Recordaros en este paso, que piden una dirección de correo electrónico, por lo tanto aconsejaría que dieseis las vuestras.
 Si seguís todos estos pasos ya tendríais acceso al libro con todos los audios.
Si tenéis algún problema no dudéis en decírmelo. 
Muchas gracias!!!!
Resultado de imagen de byme natural y social books

Thursday 13 October 2016

Cells, tissues, organs and systems

Today we have focussed on cells, tissues, organs and systems. We have studied these areas, exploring the differences between types of cells, and seeing how they join together to form tissues, organs and systems. We have learnt about their functions and how all living things are made up of units which interact with each other.
Resultado de imagen de cells tissue organs
In order to understand all these new concepts, let´s see this video:

Thursday 6 October 2016


Hi fifth graders!!!
This year we are going learn IDIOMS.
An idiom is an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meaning of its words.
This is the first idiom we will learn this week:
Sample Poster from "IDIOM POSTERS: Wonderful Words for Writing Workshop (Set of 17 Posters) $:
An example of this expresion:
 I had butterflies in my tummy the morning of my wedding.

You can also say: to have butterflies in my stomach. 
We use this expresion when we are very nervous.


We´ve been studying the cell structure.

Resultado de imagen de animal cell parts              Resultado de imagen de plant cell structure
Definition: A cell is the smallest living unit that make up a living thing.
Let´s watch a video.